The second chakra is referred to as the belly or sacral. It is located two inches below the navel and is rooted into the spine. This center holds the basic needs for sexuality, creativity, intuition, self-worth, friendliness, and emotions. It governs one’s sense of self-worth, confidence in one’s creativity and the ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way. It is governed by how emotions were either repressed or expressed in the family dynamic during childhood. When in balance, this chakra allows emotions to flow freely, and allows one to feel and reach out to others (sexually or not).
When this chakra is blocked, a person may feel emotionally explosive, manipulative, obsessed with thoughts of sex or complete lack of energy. Physical problems can include constipation, stiff lower back, weak kidneys, and muscle spasms. Belly body parts include the sexual organs (women), kidneys, bladder, and large intestine.
H2E Aromatherapy is available to you if you have questions or need recommendations for products to assist you on your meditation journey or if you are looking for aromatherapy products that may assist you in your health and well-being, consider a product from our Chakra Collection.