June – the month we celebrate ‘Fathers’ with “Father’s Day!”
We are celebrating June with a coupon specifically highlighting our Mancave Blends!
20% off with coupon code: mancave
Webster Dictionary definition of Mancave: “a room or space (as in a basement) designed according to the taste of the man of the house to be used as his personal area for hobbies and leisure activities.”
The word Mancave was first used 32 years ago. 1992!
Even though we live in a very different world now than what one may have experienced in 1992 – we can applaud the use of the word and the meaning.
Don’t we all want a room or space set up to our tastes and for our use and interests?
Let’s talk about why we have a blend specifically named ‘mancave’ and why we have it available in an assortment of products such as:
This blend is all about energy, success, grounding and mind power! What a powerful blend!
Aromatherapy is such a powerful tool.
We really like the definition for Aromatherapy by Webster Dictionary: “inhalation or bodily application (as by massage) of fragrant essential oils (as from flowers and fruits) for therapeutic purposes.”
Seems like this is a good time to share – our essential oils are from flowers and fruits! They are not chemicals. They are from our earth.
This blend is a powerful earthy blend!
According to John C. Hopkins Medicine:
“When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain.”
This blend of Frankincense, Cedarwood, Patchouli and Lime oils is a powerful scent for our brains and emotional centers. It is not a strong scent to smell but a powerful scent to ‘feel’.
Frankincense is all about reducing anxiety and stimulating our immune system.
Patchouli is all about grounding, emotionally balance and has some calming properties.
Cedarwood relaxes the body, enhances concentration, eases tension and clears the mind.
Lime oil promotes health hair and skin and is known to uplift your mood.
Reading this, does it make sense why this is our mancave blend?
It is ALL about YOU, setting aside time and space for you and what you enjoy! Leaving the pressures behind, being relaxed, calm and having a clear mind!
Even in the busyness of our world – these essential oil blends can have an impact as we move through our ‘life’.
Shop for you!
Shop for a friend!
Shop for your dad!
Gifts with extra benefits! It’s not just soap or a candle. It’s a smell traveling through to the emotional center of your brain.
Preview our Mancave Collection of products here!