Creating a Sacred Space for Meditation
One of my goals is to inspire each of us to create a safe place to explore ways to awaken the divine energy that resides in us all. Once your sacred space has been created, the next logical step is to explore your journey of growth and awakening. This path of exploration will be unique to you.
What will Meditation Do for Me?
Many people ask, “what’s up’ with meditation? What can it really do for me? Meditation is a way that anyone can use to help cope with stress, anxiety, and medical problems through thought, contemplation, and reflection. Meditation encompasses a variety of practices that are somewhat different, but all of which share the basic principles of consideration and quiet thought. Buddhist, Chakra Taoist, Transcendental, Zen and prayer are just a few examples of various types of meditation. Some methods require stillness in the body, while others allow total freedom in movement. Regardless of the path that you choose, they all utilize contemplation and reflection to quiet the mind and free it from stress.
Responses from Stress
In this world of chaos, negativity and fear, most of us are unaware of just how much stress we hold on to. When our bodies are exposed to a sudden threat we respond with hormones that are released from the adrenal glands as our pulse races, the blood pressure increases, our breath becomes faster and the blood rushes to our muscles. We have inherited this survival response from our ancestors. With the constant barrage of negative energy we encounter on a daily basis and our inability to control these situations, the same ancient response is triggered, but without the primal release of being able to act on the perceived “threat.” As a result, we end up in a permanent loop of stress.
Benefits of Meditation
Meditation is a practice that brings about both physical and psychological benefits. Relaxation and decreased physical stress are the obvious benefits, but meditation can also improve moods, memory, decrease depression and have amazing effects on the psyche. A regular meditation practice, even for as little as ten minutes a day, will bring the following benefits:
Reduced stress and tension
- Help in keeping blood pressure normal
- Enhanced energy, strength, and vigor
- Reduced anxiety, as it lowers the levels of blood lactate
- Increased serotonin, which influences moods and behavior. (Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression)
- Increased concentration and a strengthened mind
- A state of deep relaxation and general well-being.
If you do not have a regular meditation practice, you may find meditation support through online classes and at meditation centers within your local area. For accessories, candles and aromatherapy products to enhance your practice, visit our online marketplace or contact us directly.